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Quality Standards and Indicators for International Youth Work

Runder Tisch Fachkräftequalifizierung

The Working Group „Quality Standards in International Youth Work“, composed of representatives of German youth organizations as well as their umbrella organizations and coordinated by IJAB e.V., formulates quality criteria for international youth work.

The aim of these standards is the enhancement and safeguarding of the quality of international youth work, keeping in mind the pluralistic structures of the responsible bodies and the specifics of the organizations which work for and with young people, as well as the cooperative work between public and independent bodies, legally anchored in Paragraph 4 of the KJHG (Children and Youth Service Law).

* Keine MWST: IJAB ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts. Gemäß § 4 Nr. 12 und Nr. 21 bis 25 UStG handelt es sich um umsatzsteuerfreie Umsätze.