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New Perspectives against Radicalisation (EN)

Preventing Radicalisation and Promoting Democracy through International Exchange

The youth work community is using preventive approaches to combat attempts to radicalise young people, teaching them respect for diversity and democratic values while encouraging
them to engage with and participate in society. In doing so, these preventive activities must take account of the social, political and socioeconomic challenges of our times, all of which are shaped by factors that have long moved beyond national borders. More than ever, this requires youth work organisations that seek to prevent radicalisation to cooperate at the European and international level.
IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, had invited its partners, Spain’s national youth agency INJUVE and the civil society organisation Club Culturel Ali Belhouane (CCAB) from Tunisia, to join the project.

* Keine MWST: IJAB ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts. Gemäß § 4 Nr. 12 und Nr. 21 bis 25 UStG handelt es sich um umsatzsteuerfreie Umsätze.