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Child and Youth Policy, Child and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany

Structures, Institutions, Organisations

English edition of the publication  "Kinder- und Jugendpolitik, Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Strukturen, Institutionen, Organisationen".

Published by: IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, 800 pages, Bonn 2008.


Part I: Children and Youth Policy, Children and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany
Part II: Institutions and Organisations
  1. Youth Councils
  2. Council of Political Youth Organisations
  3. Youth Organisations
  4. Organisations and Institutions for Out-of-School Cultural Education
  5. Out-of-School Political Youth Education and Civic Involvement
  6. International Youth Meetings, International Youth Work, Youth Travel
  7. Youth Community Services, Organisations for Development Co-operation and Peace Policy, Voluntary Services and Alternative Non-Military Service
  8. Youth Information and Youth Counselling, Youth Press
  9. National Umbrella Organisations of Voluntary Social Welfare Services, Social Services/Social Service Associations
  10. Professional Associations and Interest Groups for Child and Youth Policy, Representation Bodies of the Child and Youth Service Professions
  11. Research, Consultancy, Scientific Institutions and Organisations
  12. Sponsoring Foundations and Similar Associations in All Fields of Child and Youth Policy
* Keine MWST: IJAB ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts. Gemäß § 4 Nr. 12 und Nr. 21 bis 25 UStG handelt es sich um umsatzsteuerfreie Umsätze.