This hostile act is a blatant violation of recognized international law, as well as an attack on democracy and on peace in Europe.
This conflict must stop now. To the people of Ukraine – be assured you are not alone. Our thoughts and solidarity are with you as well as with those young Ukrainians, who are forced to take action and obliged to join military forces.
We remain gravely concerned about the safety and protection of civilians and of women, girls, youth, children, families and other vulnerable groups throughout the country. G7 leaders must do everything in their power to stop the war immediately and enable support to civil society, including women’s organizations, youth organizations and civil peace keepers.
We call on G7 leaders to:
- spotlight the human rights of groups that are particularly vulnerable to the atrocities of war including women, youth, children, people of ethnic minority groups, LGBTI and non-binary people;
- prioritize children and young people as rights holders and to protect them from the drastic consequences of the war;
- condemn the persistent use of sexual violence as a war tactic;
- prioritize peace and call upon Russia to end all military actions and violence and to agree to an immediate ceasefire.
We demand that Russia unequivocally stop the invasion and respect the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine. We demand that the lives of people be put front and centre, above any geopolitical interest. Constructive dialogue towards building sustainable peace is the need of the hour. We demand maximum respect for human rights, peace, justice, and international solidarity.