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Partner countries

International networks and partnerships

Cooperation inside networks is not just a structural issue; it is also an opportunity for innovation, professional dialogue, conceptual debate and (continued) development of youth work and youth policy in Germany and in partner countries.

At the European level, IJAB is a contributor to the two youth information networks Eurodesk and ERYICA (European Youth Information and Counselling Agency) and is represented internationally within the International Youth Policy Dialogue network. IJAB is also active in the European exchange of knowledge as a contributor to the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy (EKCYP) and the online knowledge base Youth Wiki.


Eurodesk is a European information network with coordination offices in 36 countries and more than 1,000 local information providers. Eurodesk Germany works with around 50 local partners across the country. The network provides information on learning mobility for young people and youth work multipliers.

Go to the website to learn more about the network.

European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy

The European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy (EKCYP), an affiliate of the Council of Europe, is a youth project run jointly by the European Commission and the Council of Europe. It offers current information on youth policy, research and practice in Europe based on empirical research in this field. The information is compiled, evaluated and researched by a network of national correspondents. IJAB has been the network representative for Germany since 2005, working on behalf of Germany's Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Senior Citizens and Youth.

Go to the website to learn more about the network.

European Youth Information and Counselling Agency

The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA) is an independent European organisation composed of national and regional youth information co-ordination bodies and networks. It works to intensify European cooperation in this field. As of 2018, ERYICA consisted of 28 members, seven affiliated organisations and four co-operating organisations from 29 countries. IJAB represents Germany's youth information services at the European level and functions as an interface between national services, local and regional youth information services and the European level. Daniel Poli, Head of Department „Qualification and Further Development of International Youth Work“ at IJAB, is a member of the ERYICA Governing Board (as at January 2021).

International Youth Policy Dialogue

The International Youth Policy Dialogue (IYPD) is an information network of national organisations in Europe and beyond that are responsible for youth issues. Inter alia, IYPD offers a space for dialogue on the implementation of youth policy issues in the countries in question and facilitates an exchange of experiences across Europe and internationally when it comes to the ongoing development of national youth policies. The IYPD was established by IJAB in 2015, contact person is IJAB Director Marie-Luise Dreber (Tel.: 0228 9506-207, e-mail).

Youth Wiki

The youthwiki.eu platform offers comprehensive information on the structures, policies and measures that exist to support young people. The Youth Wiki aims to promote European cooperation in the field of youth and assist policymakers with coherent, reliable and comparable data and background information.

Go to the website to learn more about the platform.