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Environmental compatibility and sustainability

Learning Mobility in Times of Climate Change (LEMOCC)

How can International Youth Work be made more sustainable and environmentally friendly?

The global development of climate change has recently brought the discussion about the harmful effects of travelling on the climate to the fore. For young people, this topic needs to be taken into account in different aspects of their lives including youth mobility. Consequently, youth work and youth mobility for learning purposes have been increasingly affected by questions of environmental compatibility and sustainability. Not only travelling can be made more sustainable, but youth exchanges can also apply sustainable principles in the implementation of the exchange-program itself.

The topic has also been taken up politically at various occasions in recent years: It is present both at European and international level, e.g. in the Sustainable Development Goals, the EU programme generation 2021-2027 and the European Green Deal.

Objectives of the project

Young people from all 7 partner countries have their say

The project consists of several elements. The central element is the youth survey, which will be conducted together with researchers from the Institute for Social and Organisational Pedagogy at the University of Hildesheim under the direction of Prof. Dr. Schröer. In 2021, young people from the partner countries participated in an online survey on youth mobility (for learning purposes) and climate change. . This was followed in autumn by focus groups where young people discussed individual topics and questions in depth. The results of this process are summarised in the report Listening to young people: Mobility for future. In 2022, young people from the participating countries developed ideas and recommendations for a climate-sensitive international youth work during the international workshop °F22 – Future me.

Based on the results of the youth survey and the international workshop, the involved partners will co-operate with the researchers to develop recommendations for practice and politics. Moreover, interested organisations are provided with an international mapping that includes information on good practice, framework conditions and individual actors in the field of climate-sensitive international youth work from all 7 partner countries.

Partners involved

The project is implemented together with national and international partners. Currently 18 organisations from the fields of international youth work and environmental protection as well as some public institutions from Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain and Turkey are involved. In the youth survey, the Youth Hostel Association China also participated.

CIDJ Eurodesk France
1 von 18
Solidarités Jeunesses
2 von 18
3 von 18
German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning
4 von 18
5 von 18
CILL Centre for International Learning and Leadership
6 von 18
CMJCF - Confédération des MJC de France
7 von 18
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Youth and Sports
8 von 18
The Finnish Youth Centres’ Association
9 von 18
Youth Hostelling Organization China
10 von 18
IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany
11 von 18
German Youth Hostel Association
12 von 18
Edremit Municipality
13 von 18
Institute for Social and Organisational Pedagogy at the University of Hildesheim
14 von 18
Franco-German Youth Office
15 von 18
Viimsi Municipality
16 von 18
Eurodesk Germany
17 von 18
18 von 18
LEMOCC Publications
Key outcomes of the study “Learning Mobility in Times of Climate Change” (LEMOCC)
Listening to young people: Mobility for future (EN)
Latest contributions to LEMOCC

Claudia Mierzowski
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-109
Christiane Reinholz-Asolli
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-112
Contact Mapping
Regina Pfeifer
Project Manager
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-239
Kerstin Wondratschek
Project Officer
Monitoring / EKCYP
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-117