The platform offers comprehensive information on the structures, policies and measures that exist to support young people. The YouthWiki aims to promote European cooperation in the field of youth and assist policymakers with coherent, reliable and comparable data and background information.
In addition to the youth policy governance chapter, the YouthWiki spans eight policy fields areas arising from the European Youth Strategy 2009–2018: Voluntary Activities, Employment & Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion, Participation, Education and Training, Health & Well-Being, Creativity and Culture, and Youth and the World. Since the beginning of 2020, there is a chapter on youth work.
The information held in the YouthWiki is compiled by a network of national correspondents and regularly updated. The European Commission's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) manages the network and is responsible for maintaining the YouthWiki platform. In this context, EACEA works closely with the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.
As of December 2021, 34 countries were contributing content to the YouthWiki platform. Germany has been represented in the YouthWiki network through IJAB since 2015. The platform went online in December 2017.
The information pertaining to Germany is also available at, a website that is run and maintained jointly with Fachkräfteportal, the portal for child and youth services experts.

Monitoring / YouthWiki