![[Translate to Englisch:] [Translate to Englisch:]](/fileadmin/_processed_/2/8/csm_Eurodesk_9e998ff4ff.png 768w)
![[Translate to Englisch:] [Translate to Englisch:]](/fileadmin/_processed_/2/8/csm_Eurodesk_612c0409c9.png 1200w)
Eurodesk is a European information network with coordination offices in 36 countries and more than 1,600 local service units. Eurodesk Germany works with around 50 local partners across the country. The network aims to make it easier for young people and youth work multipliers to access information about learning mobility.
Eurodesk Germany provides experts who work with young people with information on national and European support programmes that relate to mobility, Europe, youth, education, culture and sports. It also offers regular training courses and funding workshops for "mobility guides".
Young people come to Eurodesk for information on how to organise a stay abroad, for instance with volunteer projects, international youth exchanges, jobs and internships, foreign high school stays, au pair programmes, or internships. Eurodesk also provides tips on how to choose the right organisation or programme and to find funding for one's stay abroad. Finally, Eurodesk maintains a presence at information events and fairs for young people and rents out a travelling exhibition pack.
Eurodesk's youth mobility portal www.rausvonzuhaus.de offers several resources including
- Information on programmes and countries
- Tips on funding one's stay abroad
- A searchable database of providers and sending organisations
- A last-minute exchange listing vacant places in funded programmes for going abroad
- An online "go abroad" advisor (a self-administered test for young people)
- Order forms for free information material
Eurodesk is also responsible for the German-language content on the European Youth Portal.
In 2022, Eurodesk Germany supported the European Year of Youth (EYY) in Germany on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).
As Eurodesk receives financial support from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as well as the European Commission, its services are free of charge, unbiased and provided across all organisations.

