Ein junger Mann spricht in ein Mikrofon Ein junger Mann spricht in ein Mikrofon

Democracy and human rights

IJAB understands international youth work and youth policy cooperation as contributors towards a strong civil society, a democratic polity, and greater social justice. Behind this conviction is our understanding of human rights, which corresponds to that laid out in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Council of Europe’s Convention on Human Rights and the constitutions of many countries including Germany.

Accordingly, the preservation of human rights also incorporates the prevention of political or religious radicalisation which, given current developments in Germany, Europe and around the world, is of major significance in the field of youth work.

Ein junger Mann hält eine Europafahne
Current articles

IJAB reports at regular intervals on its projects and collaborations in which democracy and human rights play a role. Corresponding results and developments from international youth work and youth policy are covered.

Publications on Democracy and Human Rights
Demokratiebildung in der Internationalen Jugendarbeit
IJAB journal 1/2021
Preventing Radicalisation and Promoting Democracy through International Exchange
New Perspectives against Radicalisation (EN)
Publication on a Pilot Training Seminar & Expert Meeting held in June 2017
Combatting Hate Speech through Human Rights Education within International Youth Work