About us
IJAB - Partner for International Youth Work and Youth Policy

We promote international exchanges and programmes with the aim of creating greater mutual understanding, offering international learning opportunities, enabling more participation, and combating xenophobia, racism and violence.

Eine Gruppe junger Menschen posiert lachend vor der Kamera.
Field of Activity

Children, adolescents or young adults getting together for an activity involving peers from other countries, receiving educational guidance throughout and learning from that experience – that’s international youth work.

IJAB's Management Board elected on 13 December 2023, from left to right: Thomas Hoffmann, Andrea Rühmann, Dirk Thesenvitz, Sterenn Coudray, Rolf Witte
Management Board

IJAB’s Management Board is re-elected every two years by the Members’ Assembly.

[Translate to Englisch:]

IJAB's members are either national umbrella organisations or nationwide organisations providing child and youth services, some public-sector, some independent, that are active in the field of international youth work. Some work on behalf of the government, some are purely non-profit, some are both.

Articles of Association

IJAB obtained “registered association” status in 1971. Its Articles of Association were last amended and adopted by the Members’ Assembly on 10 June 2021. The Articles of Association stipulate the name, seat and purpose of the association and the rights and obligations of IJAB’s governing bodies.

eine Brille liegt auf einem Mousepad, im Fokus ist das Wort young people, nebenan liegen ein IJAB-Kuli udn eine Broschüre

Meet the staff members who work in IJAB’s various departments.


Here is a list of all statements and position papers published by IJAB.

Man sieht Mikrophone und gestikulierende Hände

Do you need information on IJAB or on international youth work? Are you looking for interview partners? Get in touch – we are happy to help.

Jugendliche ziehen an einem Seil

Are you interested in working for an organisation that promotes international exchanges and youth policy cooperation? This section lists current vacancies at IJAB.
