Greater visibility and recognition for international youth work as a place of learning is hence an important youth and educational policy objective, one that is also pursued by IJAB
IJAB understands international youth work and youth policy cooperation as contributors towards a strong civil society, a democratic polity, and greater social justice.
The internet has become a cultural and communication space in its own right. Digital youth education helps young people to navigate this space responsibly and to use it for social and political participation.
Die Themen Flucht, Migration und Teilhabe von Geflüchteten spiegeln sich in zahlreichen Diskursen wider und haben auch Auswirkung auf die Internationale Jugendarbeit.
Many providers are already offering inclusive activities. However, there is still much need for improvement since in practice, young people with disabilities in particular still face major challenges and uncertainties.
(International) youth policy by its very nature is a core issue for IJAB. IJAB hence observes youth policy developments across Europe and around the world