Our projects

Recognition of international youth work

The week-long campaign #internationalheart, run by IJAB together with many other partners, aims to promote the recognition of international youth work.

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International youth work: Facts and figures
International youth work data report

IJAB is working to produce a quantitative and qualitative overview of activities in the international youth work field.

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Advice on stays abroad

Eurodesk is a European information network with coordination offices in 37 countries and more than 1,000 local service units. Eurodesk Germany works with around 50 local partners across the country.

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Youth policy, research and practice
European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy

EKCYP is a youth project run jointly by the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

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Strengthening the international expertise in child and youth services
Fachkräfteinitiative. International

The project aims to assist experts and organisations in the field of child and youth services that plan to strengthen their intercultural and international expertise.

Niedlicher AI-Roboter mit Laptop
Digitalisation in international youth work
Digital International Youth Work

The area of Digital International Youth Work at IJAB addresses issues relating to digital development in international youth work and implements projects designed to inform, connect, train and advise youth work organisations and professionals – both nationally and internationally.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen steht in einem Raum und diskutiert.
Greater mobility for experts
Annual Conference „Professionals in the spotlight” (former Round Table)

The Annual Conference „Professionals in the spotlight” (former Round Table) aims to encourage more mobility among experts and to professionalise the youth work community in Germany and across Europe.

Young people design youth-appropriate consumer information

What could modern, youth-appropriate consumer information look like? The Jugend-Verbraucher-Dialog project seeks to answer this question by inviting young people to develop new communication channels for consumer information.

Strengthening international youth work locally
Kommune goes International

The network Kommune goes International (KGI) assists local authorities that plan to introduce or strengthen international youth work activities at the local level.

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Environmental compatibility and sustainability
Learning Mobility in Times of Climate Change

How can International Youth Work be made more sustainable and environmentally friendly?

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Information, networking, dialogue
Portal Child and Youth Services

The joint project is an information, cooperation and communication platform for experts working in child and youth services.

Eine vor lilafarbenem Hintergrund in die Höhe gestreckte Hand, auf der 'No' steht
Developing protection concepts

The aim of the project is to support international youth work organisations in developing instruments and measures to prevent sexual violence.

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Inclusion strategy for international youth work

How can international youth work activities be structured in such a way that young people with an impairment or disability can enjoy full access?

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Information on youth policy and youth work in Europe

The youthwiki.eu platform offers detailed information on the structures, policies and measures that exist to support young people.

Bergipfel und blauer Himmel über Wolkendecke
Y7 Germany 2022

As part of the civil society engagement, Youth7 is the voice of the young generation towards the Group of Seven (G7). The Y7 Summit was the highlight event of the youth dialogue under the German G7 Presidency and took place in Berlin from 16 to 20 May 2022.
