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Fachkräfteinitiative.International helps child and youth services experts and providers boost their intercultural and international expertise. Young people play an active role in this process.


Having intercultural skills is crucial when it comes to navigating today’s Europeanised, globalised world. In this context, cross-border mobility needs to become accessible to all young people rather than remain a limited opportunity for some. What is more, international experience and peer learning helps child and youth services experts to continue developing their skillset, reflect on their work, and motivate young people to go out into the world.

The Federal Government’s Youth Strategy clearly calls for action in this area; specifically, “to promote expert exchanges and expert mobility and to develop a culture of recognition for mobile experts”. It also calls for a pronounced effort “to train experts in international youth work” in order to implement the Youth Strategy. The Government’s 2016 Child and Youth Plan, too, calls upon child and youth services providers across the spectrum to offer young people and experts adequate opportunities to experience “Europeanisation” and globalisation processes in a hands-on, differentiated way. The position paper of the Child and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) on European youth policy implementation in Germany from 2019 describes how expert exchanges can help evolve and improve the work being done locally in this field, in turn making a valuable contribution towards raising the quality of child and youth services in general.

Fachkräfteinitiatitive.International comes in direct response to this. Incidentally, the Coronavirus pandemic has been an opportunity to leverage the rapid increase in digitalisation to the benefit of child and youth services by developing new virtual and hybrid formats for both training and youth and expert exchanges.



Long-term impact

The outcomes of the initiative will be systematically documented and uploaded to a public website. Working through the interaction forum, the partners will draw up a strategy for communicating the outcomes and ensure that the resulting approaches, formats and methods are shared with child and youth services providers, service offices, and training providers.

The project online
Christoph Bruners
Project Manager
Qualification and Further Development of
International Youth Work
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-120