General Terms and Conditions of Use

Not only does provide extensive information on international youth work, it also invites users to interact with and contribute to the site in a move to create a dynamic, attractive portal that is genuinely useful to all those who use it. The use of the portal and the uploading of content is subject to rules that are detailed below.

The use of the portal is free of charge to users.

All users (hereafter referred to 'participants') are obliged to respect these rules.

1. Obligations to be observed by all participants

a) The content of is subject to copyright. As a rule, this copyright is held by the authors of the content in question. Content that is copied or stored in some other format by participants on their own devices may only be duplicated or used for non-personal purposes if the author gave their permission beforehand or if they have clearly authorised the use of said content by licensing it by means of, e.g., a Creative Commons licence.

b) E-mail addresses that are listed on this portal may not be collected, either manually or automatically, for the purpose of sending mass advertising (spam). Participants may only use said e-mail addresses to contact the authors and institutions listed here to discuss work-related matters.
The portal operators shall not be held liable towards persons who have publicly disclosed their e-mail addresses or authorised the public disclosure of said e-mail addresses for any misuse by third parties.

2. Obligations to be observed by participants when using interactive modules on this portal

a) Participants may upload content to the portal using various interactive modules. The editorial team does not verify the legality or accuracy of said content beforehand.

Hence all participants undertake vis-à-vis the operators only to upload material that is not subject to third party rights (in particular copyright, personal rights, etc.). In this regard, the operators expressly point out that content that is produced by third parties is on principle subject to copyright, even if said content is not explicitly marked as such. Therefore, authorisation must be sought from the copyright owner prior to using said material. If in doubt, content whose disclosure has not been expressly authorised by the author may not be uploaded to the portal or used.

Further, all participants undertake vis-à-vis the operators to refrain from uploading or using content that violates the law or infringes upon third party rights. Specifically, no content may be uploaded or used that is false, libellous or defamatory, or contains racist, sexist or extremist views or similar.

b) The use of the interactive modules for advertising purposes is prohibited.

c) Participants who negligently or deliberately violate one of these rules shall be held liable for all damage resulting from their actions.
Even if not all content can be verified prior to its appearance on the portal (see above), with regard to the protection of third party rights the portal operators reserve the right to remove texts and other material that appears on the portal or one of its sub-sections either wholly or partially for a short time or permanently, or to prevent it from being uploaded in the first place. This shall apply particularly in connection with texts or other content that are obviously offensive and/or illegal. The portal operators reserve the right to abridge any uploaded content for editorial reasons. 

3. Obligations of Participants with Editorial Rights

The editorial system on enables participants who are not members of the portal's editorial team to be authorised to edit content and update the databases. This authorisation shall be subject to a separate agreement ('Cooperation agreement') between the portal operators and the participant in question. This agreement shall stipulate the specific rights and obligations for either party.

4. Provision of the Portal: Editorial Team's Obligations

a) The portal operators do not charge participants for accessing the site. Participants who upload texts or other content shall not be remunerated by the operators unless this has been agreed in writing in a given case. In consideration of the fact that no remuneration is offered and the quantity and diversity of content is considerable, the portal operators are under no obligation to archive or return any content that is sent in or uploaded to the site.

In particular, with reference to the operators' right to refuse to accept texts and other content, all participants shall acknowledge that the editorial team is under no obligation whatsoever to archive or return any materials or content that is handed over in any shape or form. Participants who upload materials or content are advised to back up their data on an external system.

The portal operators strive to maintain the availability of this free site in its entirety around the clock, at the very least however to maintain a year-round availability rate of 95%. However, the portal operators are under no obligation towards participants to ensure such an availability. The operators reserve the right to interrupt service for technical or editorial reasons. In particular, they assume no responsibility for service interruptions for reasons outside their sphere of influence, such as equipment failure. The portal operators are not obliged to back up any material uploaded to the site. Neither do the portal operators assume responsibility for the integrity of the uploaded data and files.

The portal is designed to be operated for an unspecified period of time. Regardless of the fact that the initiators of the portal plan to operate the portal and provide the associated services and also expand these for said unspecific period of time, they are under no obligation to operate the portal. The portal operators shall remain entitled to terminate the portal at any time should they so wish.

b) The portal operators expressly point out that owing to the interactive nature of the portal, it is entirely possible that the content offered on it does not reflect the opinions of the portal operators and that they do not necessarily share said opinions.

Owing to the interactive nature of the portal, the editorial team is unable to be aware of all of its content at all times, so the portal operators assume no responsibility for external content uploaded by participants . Participants are requested, if in doubt, to contact the editorial team directly to discuss any problematic content.