Annual Conference - Professionals in the spotlight!
The „Annual Conference – Professionals in the spotlight!” (former Round Table for expert training) is a new inter-organisational programme by IJAB and JUGEND für Europa. It is designed to promote mobility among experts and help professionalise this target group in Germany and Europe.
The Conference is aimed largely at experts and decision-makers in the international youth work community in Germany, but it also addresses child and youth services providers that regularly deal with, or wish to engage in, international youth work and that are responsible for providing training to their paid and volunteer staff.
Content-wise, the Annual Conference draws on the experience gained in the inter-organisational projects Innovationsforum Jugend global (IJAB) and– Grenzüberschreitende Lernmobilität ermöglichen (JUGEND für Europa). The key issues paper relating to the latter project contains recommendations for reshaping political and pedagogical structures pertaining to expert mobility in such a way that more child and youth services experts can undergo professionalisation.
The Annual Conference receives funding from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and is scheduled to meet once a year.

Qualification and Further Development of
International Youth Work