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Research in the field of international youth work can inform policy makers and practitioners about what works, what sounds promising and what does not work. It can generate knowledge about international mobility programmes and their impacts that can guide youth policy makers and practitioners. The value of this knowledge is to contribute to the improvement and conceptual development of the field of work, with the aim of strengthening the personal development of young people. Communicating research results is a crucial task to achieve this goal.

With its services, IJAB is contributing to making current developments and research results relevant to the field of international youth work visible.

Current articles

IJAB regularly reports on current studies, new publications and calls for papers and tenders relevant to the field of international youth work.

Forum Jugendarbeit International

The Forum Jugendarbeit International informs about main issues, results of work and discussions, concepts and experiences from international youth work and youth policy.

International Youth Work Data Report

The International Youth Work Data Report creates an empirical basis for the further development of the field. At the same time, it increases its recognition by collecting and making visible the data situation.

Publications in the context of research
Findings from the survey of young people, youth workers and youth organisations
Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges
Ergebnisse der Befragung junger Menschen, Fachkräfte und Träger der Jugendarbeit.
Förderung des deutsch-britischen Jugendaustauschs
Final report of the scientific monitoring of the project "IYW.digital - International Youth Work.digital"
Digital Projects in International Youth Work