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Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges

Findings from the survey of young people, youth workers and youth organisations

What does the future hold for youth exchanges between Germany and the UK? A survey commissioned by IJAB has analysed the situation in both countries and shows how international youth work can be strengthened. The researchers interviewed professionals and young people who are interested in or have taken part in an exchange.

This research was conducted by People Dialogue and Change on behalf of IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany. The survey was conducted as part of the UK-German cooperation under the umbrella of UK-German Connection.

Table of contents

IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (Ed.) 2023. Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges. Findings from the survey of young people, youth workers and youth organisations. Bonn: IJAB.

* NO VAT: IJAB is a corporation under public law. In accordance with § 4 No. 12 and No. 21 to 25 UStG, these are sales that are exempt from VAT.