Our resources for practitioners

Eine Erdkugel dreht sich im Weltall
Live stream series: At home around the world

How are international partners in youth and professional exchange doing? What impact is the corona crisis having in their countries? With the new video livestream series "At home around the world" IJAB pursues these questions.

Kinder und Erwachsene richten ihren Blick auf etwas vor ihnen
Child and Youth Services Information System

The Child and Youth Services Information System explains the system of child and youth services in Germany in an easily accessible and commented form.

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Publication series “Forum Jugendarbeit International”

Outcomes of projects and debates, concepts, and experiences drawn from the international youth work and youth policy community.

Eine Frau tippt etwas in ein Smartphone.
i-EVAL – Evaluating youth exchanges

i-EVAL is an online platform where participants of international youth exchanges fill in questionnaires to evaluate the exchange.

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Specialist publication “beyond”

Each issue focuses on a certain theme relating to international youth work and youth policy cooperation, with articles by practitioners, policymakers and researchers on that theme. IJAB journal is published once every six months.

interaktive Griechenlandkarte
jugend.erinnert - German war crimes in Greece

The map marks 30 memorial sites commemorating Nazi atrocities committed during the Greek occupation between 1941 and 1944.

Mehrere Personen sitzen im Kreis und halten Luftballons.
Language Unit

IJAB’s Language Unit deals with issues relating to language and communication in international youth work contexts.

Jemand schreibt etwas auf einem Tablet.
Nachweise International - Greater visibility for community engagement

The Nachweise International scheme enables organisations to document skills acquisition, community engagement and participation in international activities.
