Research Project


In 2020, international youth work also found itself in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel was difficult and the pandemic’s impact on international youth work was impossible to predict. Organisations in Germany and around the world resorted to digital solutions to maintain contact with partners, reach young people and facilitate international youth exchanges even in times of travel restrictions. The rapid acceleration of digital transformation opened up new opportunities but also created challenges globally and for society as a whole. The aim of the research project was to focus on these challenges and opportunities from the perspective of international youth work.

At the end of 2020, IJAB teamed up with the Institute for Media Research and Media Education (JFF) to host a symposium to develop a digital methodology for international youth work. Building on insights gained from the symposium, IJAB launched the two-year Internationale ( research project in early 2021 in collaboration with JFF and specialist and funding agencies for international youth work. The aim of the project was to document and scientifically analyse the many experiences made with digital international youth work in 2021/2022 in order to identify factors that are critical for the success of digital projects.

The aim of the research project was to document and scientifically analyse the many experiences made with digital international youth work in 2021/2022 in order to identify factors that are critical for the success of digital projects. The research design included a systematic analysis of project reports, participatory observation of digital youth exchanges and interviews and group discussions with youth work professionals and young participants, which were subsequently evaluated. Based on research findings, a set of questions to evaluate digital formats (see below) was drawn up in 2022.

After the research project was concluded, IJAB initiated the process to develop a set of quality criteria focusing specifically on digital international youth work.

Publications " - International Youth"

A detailed description of the research project as well as the research results and the set of questions can be downloaded free of charge from the order service:  

Final report and questionnaire:
Final report of the scientific monitoring of the project " - International Youth"
Digital Projects in International Youth Work
Research project “”
Development and testing of a set of questions

An experiment: Living Labs – Internationale Begegnungsorte für Toleranz

The purpose of the project was to develop and implement hybrid youth exchanges lasting several months in partnership with the German-Greek Youth Office and organisations in both Germany and Greece. The JFF research team monitors these exchanges digitally and through on-site presence, overseeing all aspects from preparation to the follow-up phase. A research tool designed specifically for this format was used on-site. The survey data together with the results of the interviews and participatory observation were scientifically evaluated.

Detailed documentation of the Living Labs (available in German) is available from the IJAB order service.

Internationale Begegnungsorte für Toleranz |
Living Labs
Contact persons
Ulrike Werner
Project Officer
Qualification and Further Development of
International Youth Work
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-230
Natali Petala-Weber
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-201
Project page
Digital International Youth Work