At home around the world

Insight into the situation in Estonia

Episode 2 of the live stream series

Daniel Poli and Robert Helm-Pleuger from IJAB spoke live with Edgar Schlümmer, Director of the Estonian Centre for Youth Work ENTK, on Tuesday, 09.06. at 11 am.

10.06.2020 / Cathrin Piesche

You are in your home office and are now constantly skypeing with your colleagues? What many do not know: The Voice-to-IP service Skype started as a start-up in Estonia before it was swallowed by an American industry giant. Estonia is a high-tech country. You notice it as soon as you arrive in the capital Tallinn - there is free wifi throughout the city. The enthusiasm for technology naturally also has an impact on youth work. Estonia is one of the pioneers of „Smart Youth Work“, youth work with online tools and media. In the Corona crisis, this method of youth work has taken on a special significance:

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The livestream was broadcasted on Facebook:  There, viewers have the opportunity to actively participate and ask questions and comment in the chat. Anyone who misses the livestream can watch it later on the IJAB YouTube channel or on the IJAB website. There you will also find all other episodes of "At Home Around The World".


Eine Erdkugel dreht sich im Weltall
About the live stream series

How are the international partners in youth and professional exchange doing? What impact is the corona crisis having in their countries? With the new video livestream series "At home around the world" IJAB pursues these questions.

Contact persons
Robert Helm-Pleuger
Head of Department
Information on International Youth Work and Youth Policy
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-208