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United Kingdom

Youth exchange with the United Kingdom

Seizing opportunities, mastering challenges

What does the future hold for youth exchanges between Germany and the UK? A survey commissioned by IJAB has analysed the situation in both countries and shows how international youth work can be strengthened. The researchers interviewed professionals and young people who are interested in or have participated in an exchange. The publication can now be downloaded free of charge in German and English!

11.06.2024 / Cathrin Piesche

The survey Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges - Findings from the survey of young people, youth workers and youth organisations identifies several obstacles that make youth exchange more difficult: Lack of funding, sufficient support services and insufficient practical experience in international work. Youth workers need more support in finding partners, applying for funding and in the area of further training. Young people need more information, funding and access opportunities.

The survey also makes concrete recommendations on how these obstacles can be overcome. This includes creating a supportive infrastructure that encourages youth work in both countries to engage in international exchange. There should also be a greater focus on engaging marginalised groups of young people as part of UK-German cooperation in order to promote participation and inclusion in both countries. Finally, youth worker exchanges should be used to establish contacts and long-term connections and develop skills. The recommendations were developed together with German and UK organisations from the youth sector.

Youth exchanges between Germany and the UK can make an important contribution to understanding and intercultural learning. The survey provides valuable insights and suggestions for anyone interested in international youth work.

The survey was conducted by People Dialogue and Change on behalf of IJAB. The survey was carried out as part of UK-German co-operation under the umbrella of UK-German Connection.

The full survey can be read online or downloaded below. This and a German version can also be found in our order service. There you can also download the survey as a PDF or find the link to the online edition.

What happens next?

Building on the results of the survey, the main focus is now on increased cooperation between youth work organisations in both countries: With the UK-German Youth Partnership Seminar in autumn 2024 and other accompanying activities, IJAB offers participants a platform to develop concrete ideas for youth and youth worker exchanges, build fruitful partnerships and establish lasting cooperation with their colleagues from Germany and the UK.

Country Division UK at IJAB

UK-German youth exchanges are to be expanded and improved by strengthening and further developing UK-German Connection's programmes and services. IJAB has been supporting the project on the German side since 2023. In this context, IJAB has conducted the survey presented here together with UK-German Connection and the British Council.

Since 2024, the German office of UK-German Connection for youth and youth worker exchanges has been based at IJAB in Bonn and will support German organisations and applicants in the realisation of UK-German exchanges.

Download survey
Findings from the survey of young people, youth workers and youth organisations
Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges
Ergebnisse der Befragung junger Menschen, Fachkräfte und Träger der Jugendarbeit.
Förderung des deutsch-britischen Jugendaustauschs
Sabine Brodesser
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-114
Daniela Schmitz
Project Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 9506-125
About the UK division at IJAB

Information on youth and youth worker exchanges with the United Kingdom.

Sabine Brodesser
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-114
Daniela Schmitz
Project Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 9506-125
Cathrin Piesche
PR Officer, Online & Print Editor
Tel.: +49 228 9506-215