At home around the world

How is youth work in Italy?

Pilot episode of the live stream series

Staying in touch with international partners: Robert-Helm Pleuger and Daniel Poli from IJAB talk to Valentina Piras from Portale dei Giovani, the Italian youth portal.

03.06.2020 / Cathrin Piesche

Especially in times of the corona crisis it is important that we stay in touch with our international partners and know how they are doing. So: How are things in Italy?

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The livestream was broadcasted on Facebook:  There, viewers have the opportunity to actively participate and ask questions and comment in the chat. Anyone who misses the livestream can watch it later on the IJAB YouTube channel or on the IJAB website. There you will also find all other episodes of "At Home Around The World".

Eine Erdkugel dreht sich im Weltall
About the live stream series

How are the international partners in youth and professional exchange doing? What impact is the corona crisis having in their countries? With the new video livestream series "At home around the world" IJAB pursues these questions.

Contact persons
Robert Helm-Pleuger
Head of Department
Information on International Youth Work and Youth Policy
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-208