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Digital international youth work

Language Animation in the Digital Space

Documentation of the DIY² Lab is available

The first DIY² Lab event was all about Language Animation in the digital space, designed for all those who have always wanted to know how Language Animation works in the context of youth exchanges – also, where necessary, at the virtual level. The event was an opportunity to try out some new methods, adapt existing ones and discuss their advantages and drawbacks.

17.03.2021 / Christian Herrmann, Ulrike Werner und Natali Petala-Weber

The DIY² lab showed how language animation can work online and stimulated a discussion about which factors need to be considered in order for this to succeed in the best possible way. One challenge in the digital space, for example, is that group dynamic processes develop differently, it is often not easy to get a feel for this and therefore methods have to be used specifically to pick up on this element. While playing, the participants also gained a practical insight into what needs to be considered conceptually in advance so that no one is excluded during the exercises. For this, a good knowledge of the tools used, but also of the participants, as well as a trial run in advance is important. For online formats, it is not uncommon to need greater flexibility in the course of the game if, for example, a camera or another function suddenly fails.

INT 4.0 – Namensnennung CC BY 4.0
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer INT 4.0 – Namensnennung CC BY 4.0 Lizenz.
Digital International Youth Work

The area of Digital International Youth Work at IJAB addresses issues relating to digital development in international youth work and implements projects designed to inform, connect, train and advise youth work organisations and professionals.