Eine Frau fotografiert mit einer Kamera Eine Frau fotografiert mit einer Kamera
Digital international youth work

Using cameras creatively

Documentation of the DIY² Lab is available

At the DIY2 Lab on 27 May 2021, participants discussed and tested creative and playful ways to use cameras in the digital space.

18.06.2021 / Natali Petala-Weber

Yves Sanwidi, education officer at Roots & Routes Cologne e. V. (RRCGN) supported the DIY² Lab with a presentation of various methods, tools and ideas. A former participant in the hybrid project Generation Europe Mixed Reality Exchange, Yves was able to share his experience with the Lab participants.


Digital International Youth Work

The area of Digital International Youth Work at IJAB addresses issues relating to digital development in international youth work and implements projects designed to inform, connect, train and advise youth work organisations and professionals.