Luftblasen im Wasser Luftblasen im Wasser
Digital international youth work

Experimenting in and with

Documentation of the DIY² Lab is available

On 25 March 2021, participants met to try out the interactive platform Wonder ( The event began on Zoom, with the entire group then moving to Wonder. They used a variety of methods to learn about its functions and the system overall, to play around with the tool, and to discuss the benefits and limitations of Wonder.

08.04.2021 / Natali Petala-Weber

Wonder is a communication tool that provides a two-dimensional space (visually, too) in which people, or rather their avatars, can move towards each other to form a virtual/visual group known as a Circle. It offers a video and audio function, and each Circle has its own chat. The two-dimensional nature of the platform means participants can see where the others are and can join a Circle by moving their avatar to that Circle. As soon as a participant has joined a Circle, their video and audio functions are activated. Each Circle can accommodate up to 15 avatars. They can also be switched to private at any time, after which no additional avatars can join. Participants can leave one Circle and join another one at any time.

Inside an event space, the hosts can set up theme-specific visual rooms, such as a café for the breaks or a range of BarCamp sessions. Using Wonder’s broadcasting function, individual participants (here: hosts) can talk to all other participants via video and audio. During the broadcast, all Circles are halted automatically, so all participants only see and hear the broadcasting persons (up to six at a time). This way, presentations or panel discussions can be moderated. Wonder also has a screensharing function.

Digital International Youth Work

The area of Digital International Youth Work at IJAB addresses issues relating to digital development in international youth work and implements projects designed to inform, connect, train and advise youth work organisations and professionals.