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Digital international youth work

Digital Escape Games in International Youth Work

Documentation of the DIY² Lab is available

The DIY² Lab event on 9 September 2021 was all about digital escape games in international youth work. The 14 participants split into teams of between two and four. Led by Zsolt Marton, communications manager at the Eurodesk youth information network in Brussels, they played Eurodesk’s new digital escape game Time to move: Adventures in Berlin.

31.08.2021 / Julia Hallebach

Eurodesk had developed the game as part of a wider pan-European campaign called "Time to Move", which launched on 1 October 2021, the last day of Eurodesk’s European network meeting. Eurodesk plans to develop further escape games set in various European cities.

The Time to Move game aims to encourage players to consider joining a learning mobility scheme that would take them to somewhere in Europe. The Berlin edition invites players to go on a trip through Berlin to find a missing grandmother. The teams have to work hard because they are only given clues if they perform everyday tasks, much as they would in a real-life placement: planting trees, making sandwiches, handing out drinks. The game is all about teamwork, because the players can only solve the clues if they work together. Two or more players have to split into teams, each of which share a screen. They need to share the clues with the other teams in order to complete the message and solve the problems in their entirety. The game can be played in 20 different languages. However, Zsolt Marton recommends playing the game in the same language because slight differences in the terminology may make it difficult to solve the problems.

Digital International Youth Work

The area of Digital International Youth Work at IJAB addresses issues relating to digital development in international youth work and implements projects designed to inform, connect, train and advise youth work organisations and professionals.

Mehrere junge Menschen sitzen an einem Tisch und arbeiten an Laptops.
About digital youth education

The internet has become a cultural and communication space in its own right. Digital youth education helps young people to navigate this space responsibly and to use it for social and political participation.