United Kingdom

UK-German Youth Partnership Seminar

19 to 21 September 2024 in Berlin

We cordially invite committed youth work professionals with an interest in UK-German youth exchange to apply to take part in the UK-German Youth Partnership Seminar. The meeting will take place from 19 to 21 September in Berlin. The application deadline was 21 June 2024.

22.05.2024 / Sabine Brodesser und Cathrin Piesche

The aim of the seminar is to develop concrete ideas for youth and youth worker exchanges, build stable partnerships and establish sustainable cooperation between the UK and Germany. During the event, participating youth workers will have the opportunity to engage with colleagues from Germany and the UK and their organisations. The event offers a platform to find potential partners for youth exchange activities and to work on joint project ideas under guidance.

Applications for a free spot were possible up to and including 21 June 2024!

Virtual preparation and follow-up meetings

To kick off this year's activities in the best possible manner, we will be holding a virtual preparatory meeting to provide information about the services offered by UK-German Connection and the funding opportunities available for UK-German youth and youth worker exchanges. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to meet with their project partners in a virtual project workshop immediately after the in-person seminar in Berlin and work on the further development of joint exchange activities.

How can I apply to take part?

All those interested in UK-German youth and youth worker exchanges are invited to apply to take part. When allocating the available spots, the organisers will strive to achieve a balanced composition of participants to enable as many potential partnerships between organisations from the UK and Germany as possible. With this in mind, organisations and youth workers who work with marginalised or disadvantaged groups of young people are particularly encouraged to apply.

There is no fee for participation. Participants will be accommodated free of charge for the duration of the event (accommodation and meals, max. 2 nights). Travelling expenses can be reimbursed upon request (thresholds will be announced with the official confirmation of an available spot).

The UK-German Connection team is looking forward to applications and lively networking activities to promote UK-German youth exchange!

What is the UK German Connection?

UK-German Connection is a school and youth initiative funded by the UK and German governments. It is dedicated to strengthening contacts and understanding between young people from Germany and the UK. The German office for youth and youth worker exchanges has been based at IJAB since 2024.

Details of the event at a glance

Date: 19 to 21 September 2024

Venue: NH Berlin Alexanderplatz, Landsberger Allee 26, 10249 Berlin

The UK-German Youth Partnership Seminar is funded by the Federal Foreign Office and UK-German Connection.


About the UK division at IJAB

Information on youth and youth worker exchanges with the United Kingdom.

Sabine Brodesser
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-114
Daniela Schmitz
Project Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 9506-125
Cathrin Piesche
PR Officer, Online & Print Editor
Tel.: +49 228 9506-215