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United Kingdom

"Building Networks" in UK-German Youth Exchanges

In-depth exchange at the Youth Partnership Seminar in Berlin

The networking event of UK-German Connection took place from September 19 to 21, 2024, in Berlin and was directed at international youth work professionals from the UK and Germany. The aim of the Partnership Seminar was to promote long-term networking between the participants and intensify activities within UK-German youth and youth worker exchange.

14.10.2024 / Sabine Brodesser

Youth workers from various regions of the UK and Germany gathered for the seminar. All of them are working on different levels of the youth work system and deal with target groups that are not always that similar. But they have one goal that unites them: More UK-German exchange!

With this goal in mind, the youth workers approached the event and its various elements with great motivation, and were given the opportunity to an in-depth exchange, both on a professional and personal level. Christina Gerlach and Ute Paetzig opened the event on behalf of UK-German Connection, followed by practical exercises to overcome language barriers. Under a blue, sunny sky the seminar participants got familiar with each other in a playful way, and learned a few words in English, German and Welsh, using various techniques of language animation. 

The event offered specific contents to prepare participants for upcoming programme points. Apart from general topics like targets, outcomes and barriers to international youth exchanges, it also included UK-German specific traits of  youth and youth worker exchanges. Key notes by experts, such as Dan Moxon, Director of People Dialogue and Change, as well as workshop units on “managing international partnerships”, “safeguarding and risk management”, and “engaging diverse target groups of young people” increased the participants’ awareness towards specific needs within UK-German exchange activities.

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Project ideas in the making

The highlight of the event was the development of concrete project ideas. As a first step, the youth workers introduced themselves and their organisations to each other, with lovingly crafted – digital or printout – presentations, trying to find common ground with their respective UK and German counterparts. The result was a great success! Seven groups were formed in the following phase.

A diversity of common topics arose, as well as a picture of the target groups the youth workers try to reach: They range from exchange ideas especially for young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET), and youth exchanges around sports and “City farms”, to overarching projects and collaborations for youth and youth worker exchanges among different UK and German regions. At the time of the publication of this article, the UK-German teams are working continuously on the development of their project ideas and prepare them for the follow-up virtual project development workshop.

We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You!” to all participants for being very engaged and motivated before, during and after the Youth Partnership Seminar in Berlin, and hope to see many and varied exchange activities evolve between the UK and Germany.

About the UK division at IJAB

Information on youth and youth worker exchanges with the United Kingdom.

Sabine Brodesser
Project Officer
International Youth Policy Cooperation
Tel.: +49 (0)228 9506-114
Daniela Schmitz
Project Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 9506-125
Cathrin Piesche
PR Officer, Online & Print Editor
Tel.: +49 228 9506-215